

I like Tuesday's, but they are the longest and busiest day of the week! I am at the gym by 11:00am and then coach 5 different classes for 7 hours. In theory, I should be able to do alot of other things before going to work at 11:00, but somehow that never seems to work out. ;)
Tuesday's are fun because I teach just about every kind of class imaginable: 18 month olds with their parents, 3&4 year olds, competitive team, 6-9 year old hotshots (pre-team) and 9-15 year olds. So it's quite the spread and the variety is nice.

I seem to be on a walking-at-night spree. This is the second night that I've enjoyed late night strolls in the moonlight. Tonight was a little cooler but the breeze was warm - as if to promise the coming of summer.

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